How Do I Choose A Skylight For My Commercial Property?
In new and refurbished structures, skylights improve lighting, energy efficiency, tenant comfort, and aesthetic appeal. Skylights may be found in every form of the commercial building, whether they are one or numerous, fixed or moveable, long-span or short-span. Naples Roofing is one of the authorized roofing contractors in Buffalo, New York, that provides all kinds of commercial and industrial roofing services. Skylights offer constant, long-exposure "top-lighting" to brighten interiors while decreasing electrical lighting demands as part of a daylighting design plan. In addition to energy savings, top-lighting has been shown to improve occupant health and wellness, as well as accuracy, productivity, retail sales, student test scores, and hospital recovery times. The available solar exposure during operating hours is determined by the building's direction, height, roof slope, and position of the installed skylight. The size, shape, and location of the skylight...